To apply for one of our Membership categories please fill out the form on our Membership page.
1. Access to all-members free sailing days (at regular intervals throughout the years).
2. Ability to schedule private coaching sessions. (not available to the general public)
3. Early access to register your children in summer and spring break programs.
4. Yearly (one time) discount on program registration.
5. Access to members only perks (at additional costs) – boat rental, boat storage, gear storage, training plans, private coaching etc.
6. You get to say you are a member of the coolest South Vancouver Island yacht club!
Base $50/Year: A single membership for one individual – includes all above benefits.
Base Family $75+/Year: Two-person membership minimum, each additional family member is an additional $25/year (a family of four would have a yearly membership of $125).
Includes all above benefits for each family member. Note: this membership can only include a maximum of two adults (18+), there is no limit on the number of children who can be attached to a family membership.
Premium Solo Membership $175/Year: A single membership for one individual – includes all above benefits plus a private lesson with a coach, priority in boat storage allocation and an increased discount on programs.
Premium Family Membership $225+/Year: Two-person membership minimum, each additional family member is an additional $50/year – includes all above benefits plus two private family lessons with a coach, priority in boat storage allocation and an increased discount on programs. Note: this membership can only include a maximum of two adults (18+), there is no limit on the number of children who can be attached to a family membership.
Boat-Owner Membership $650/Year: A single or family membership – includes all base benefits as well as a guaranteed storage spot for your dinghy (up to 16 ft.) from March 15 to November 1. Additional family members can be added (with base benefits) for $25 per family member. Note: this membership can only include a maximum of two adults (18+), there is no limit on the number of children who can be attached to a family membership. A savings of $150 on boat storage and membership.
Corporate/Sponsorship Membership Tiers:
All corporate/sponsorship memberships include one base membership for the sponsor or for a member of the corporation who has purchased the membership. All the tiers of corporate/sponsorship memberships include all the benefits of the previous tier(s).
Tier One $75: A thank you on the website and in our yearly promotional video.
Tier Two $150: Logo/Name on the website and a free private sailing lesson for up to four people.
Tier Three $300: Logo/Name on the SSA club building.
Tier Four $700: Two additional free private sailing lessons and a special thank you video personalized for you, a family member/loved one or your business.
Tier Five $1,000: Name a club award after yourself, a family member/loved one or your business – this can be for a racing series or a special award. Two additional base memberships.
Tier Six $2,500: Full corporate membership – (10 lessons), additional promotional opportunities through Sooke Sailing. Two additional base memberships.
Add-On Membership Perks:
Boat Rentals:
As a SSA member you will have access to our fleet of boats to sail when they are not in use by our paid programs. In order to use the fleet you will need to sail under the supervision of a coach during an available membership session for the coach to assess your sailing ability before you will be allowed to use the boats on your own. Each boat rental session (4hrs) will be at a $30 cost with discounts when booking multiple sessions.
1 Session for 1-2 members in a club boat – $30
5 Sessions for 1-2 members in a club boat – $135 (Save $15!)
10 Sessions for 1-2 members in a club boat – $275 (Save $25!)
15 Sessions for 1-2 members in a club boat – $400 (Save $50!)
20 Sessions for 1-2 members in a club boat – $525 (Save $75!)
Boat Storage:
Keep your dinghy (up to 16ft) at the SSA location and participate in racing, on-water activities and have a base to go sailing from!
There are three seasons of storage that you can purchase.
Spring: March 15 to June 1 $200
Summer: June 1 to September 1 $400
Fall: September 1 to November 1 $150
Private Lessons and Training Plans:
As a member you have the opportunity to purchase private lessons from SSA’s talented coaches. Each private lesson will be a 4hr session where the coach will cover theoretical elements of sailing, an on-water training session and a debrief. This members-only benefit is available at a cost of $100 per session.
As a member you also have the opportunity to purchase a training plan designed by Program Director Chris Tully. This plan will cover everything you need to achieve your sailing goals. Chris will work with you individually on your sailing goals and will develop a plan based on SSA participation, private lessons, additional instruction and dry-land training to help you reach your goals. Please inquire regarding cost.